Thursday, October 07, 2010

Google goggles is now available for iPhone

Seems everyone is having fun using the new application from google on their iPhone (its up and running on Android for 11 months already).
The application (that can be downloaded on AppStore for free) is named google goggles and it let you do a online search by taking a photo of the object you want to get more information on.
The tool is very easy to use , as you can see in the movie, and I am sure the database will growth from minute to minute , so it will be a real nice addition to the way we can learn...

The application can run only on iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 - as this are the iDevices that have a camera with auto-focus feature.
The iPhone must run iOS 4.x.
Based on google, it works well for things such as landmarks, logos, and the covers of books, DVDs and games. However, it doesn't yet work for some things as animals, plants or food.

The application is really fun to use, I have been using it on my other cell phone that is running android for couple of weeks now.

More info can be found here

also check out the movie

Have a nice weekend,
Haim Chibotero
iPhones in Israel & more

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